What is this?
Truthfully, I don’t know what this is. I know that I’ve become fatigued of the Instagram-oriented way that I have shared things in the past. I have no more witty captions, no more photo dumps to give. I’m not really sure when this happened, and maybe it’s all quite temporary, but I have been craving something more long-form. I used to write lengthy essays in college on topics of my choosing and I’m realizing that, in spite of my decayed vocabulary and grammar sense, I have more to say.
I know the pieces of what this new format or space looks like - a space that is equal parts musings, gallery, and maybe even a shop in the future. I’d like to have more flexible ways to curate moments of places that I’ve traveled - a collection of film photos, photos of embroidery work, bits of journal writing. Maybe even act as a memory box of what I was consuming at the time (both in the literal and metaphorical senses).
All I know is that I have a need to create and to make things, and this website is essentially another medium to do that; I seem to like to collect mediums over time. I don’t really know, but I’m actually excited to find out.